Empowering Students
Our Career Pathway programs and opportunities rely on the support of business partners and individuals across our community. Together, we are preparing students for a 21st century we can’t yet imagine. A special thank you goes out to our teachers, coaches and mentors, sponsors and tonight’s judges. We couldn’t do this work without you.
If you are interested in becoming involved with supporting career pathway education and opportunities for District 214 students, please contact the District 214 Partnership Manager, Kathy Wicks, kathy.wicks@d214.org or 847-718-7483.
Financial contributions empowering Career Pathways like those showcased tonight, innovation and student success are possible through the District 214 Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization supporting the District beyond the limitations of conventional funding for public education. Sponsorships, namings, directed and planned gifts, scholarships and more are available.
For more information, visit www.214foundation.org or contact Executive Director Michael Happ, michael.happ@d214.org or 847-718-7688.
Help us fund the future.